General Membership Meeting

Are you a registered Green Party member? Are you curious about the Green Party?  Join the Green Party of Philadelphia for our regular Monthly General Membership meeting.

All virtual!

This month, agenda items include:

  • Announcements/endorsements, including protest against a Chinatown stadium and for the Sept. Mozambique flag-raising, and National Week of Action to Defend the Right to Strike
  • Nominations and election of recording and membership secretaries
  • Planning of new members/social event
  • Proposal for Sept. GPPA mtg. in Phila.
  • Treasurer's Report

Join us on Zoom at:


April 25, 2023 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Belinda Davis ·
Justin Cunningham Belinda Davis Chris Robinson Asantewaa Nkrumah-Ture Tom Birney charles sherrouse

Who's RSVPing

Justin Cunningham
Belinda Davis
Chris Robinson
Asantewaa Nkrumah-Ture
Tom Birney
charles sherrouse

Will you come?