The Green Party of Philadelphia is both a political party and a grassroots political activist organization. All are welcome to join.
From the blog
Green Party Supports Divest Philadelphia from the War Machine
The Green Party of Philadelphia City Committee (GPOP, continued its support for Divest Philly from the War Machine by calling on people to join a campaign to divest the Philadelphia Board of Pensions from the nuclear weapon industry.
Reflections on George Floyd Anniversary
By Justin Bell, member of the Green Party of Philadelphia City Committee
I was sitting in traffic today on Roosevelt boulevard when the verdict came in: Derek Chauvin was found guilty of murdering George Floyd. When I heard it I had trouble processing it. It wasn’t until my wife called me crying because she couldn’t believe it was real, that I started to believe it was real. After I got off I looked around to see if any other cars were listening or having reactions. I was disappointed that everyone looked miserable and wasn’t honking. For a moment I felt victorious. Overwhelmed by the power of the people who refused to get out of the way when the police told them to move. I saw two older ladies flanked by the National Guard during the height of COVID. One pushing the other in a wheelchair. They had put themselves in a situation of great risk and they had won.