- What is the Green Party?
- What do you stand for?
- Why not promote these ideas by working within the “major” parties?
- But can you ever win?
- How do I find out more? How do I get involved?
What is the Green Party?
The Green Party is an independent political party that presents a much-needed alternative to the Republicans and the Democrats.
What do you stand for?
We promote: health care for all, fair and equal funding for public schools, a living wage, clean and renewable energy, investment in locally-based businesses, organic agriculture, an end to discrimination of all kinds, and a chance for all citizens to participate in the political process. Internationally, we support fair trade and a foreign policy based on respect for international law and human rights.
Why not promote these ideas by working within the “major” parties?
Because the Democratic and Republican parties are part of the problem, not the solution. Candidates from both parties rely primarily on the support of wealthy individuals and large corporations to fund their election campaigns. As a result, they spend most of their time in office paying back their benefactors with corporate tax breaks and subsidies while ignoring the needs of ordinary working people.
But can you ever win?
We already do win, and we are winning more every year. There are currently 155 Greens holding elected office in 20 states. Over 300 Greens were on ballots throughout the country this past November and more will be again next November. In addition, Greens “win” in other ways too by working with other organizations to promote change through non-electoral activities like community organizing, educational forums, petition drives, pickets, marches, and direct action protests.
How do I find out more? How do I get involved?
In Philadelphia, see the About Us section of this site or call 215-843-4256. For elsewhere in Pennsylvania, visit https://www.gpofpa.org/ or call 717-839-2395. For the national platform, visit http://www.gp.org